Important Things to Know About Garage Door Springs

Here’s a guide to installation and maintenance for garage door springs as prepared by the professional garage door spring repair in Charleston team here at Garage Door Charleston.

What’s the difference between torsion springs and tension springs?

 Torsion springs are positioned above the garage door. torsion springs and in metal fixtures that are called cones which connect to metal tubes rather than pulleys. torsion bar garage door fixers run across metal shafts that are connected to the cable drums in every corner of the garage. The majority of metal sectional garage doors have one torsion spring, while other commercial or double hung garage doors have two torsion springs. torsion bars turn rather than extend out, and have fewer parts and tension springs, and last much longer than extension springs. extension Springs are much older than torsion springs and are usually found in older homes. They run along the sides of sectional garage doors. extension Springs are connected to pulleys that run along the walls of garages and are connected to cables. they’re designed with one single Loop, a double loop, or eclipse system. Generally extension Springs are much more prone to damage than torsion springs and are much harder to  install.


 Can I replace my garage door springs by myself?

 While people might be tempted to fix their garage door springs by themselves, this is absolutely not recommended. it is incredibly dangerous in fact. Repairing your garage door springs involves the technical manipulation of tons of different moving parts which need to be properly balanced. Springs can actually cause serious or even deadly injury if not properly maintained by experienced hands. torsion springs have a ton of energy stored inside them and can suddenly snap out directly at you in any sort of Direction which can cause very very serious injury. absolutely, by all means, never ever attempt to repair your garage door springs by yourself. contact your professional garage door repair in Charleston service for expert assistance.


 Why are garage door springs dangerous?

Garage doors can open easily due to the immense tension that is held within Springs that help lighten the weight of your garage door. Springs carry hundreds of pounds of horse inside them while it might not seem so. When garage doors go down to the ground, gravity allows the door to fall while pushing on load-bearing Springs that create the proper levels of strain. This energy is held until you need to open the garage door again. without springs, garage doors weigh twice as much or even more. when garage door springs break, garage door openers or manual strength likely cannot get the garage door open. garage door springs are very dangerous for amateurs to replace, because tightly wound coils undergo constant shifts in extreme tension. Even a subtle wrong move can cause serious damage to the garage door, or worse, yourself.


What are signs that I need professional assistance with my garage door springs?

  1.  If your door has trouble opening but rapidly closes

  2.  Garage doors that open too fast but don’t close all the way are likely experiencing issues due to too tight spring systems

  3.  Garage doors require rebalancing when the garage door is closed but a single side does not close all the way


 What causes garage door springs to break?

 Generally, garage door springs are meant to last 10,000 opening and closing cycles. with multiple uses a day, most garage door springs last about 7 years. however with maintenance, garage door springs can actually last over a decade or 12 years even. Over time, microscopic fractures develop inside the spring which causes it to wear out and break. Weather can also cause this. If you’re trying to figure out whether your garage door mechanics are completely broken or simply need a professional adjustment, just look at it. When your garage door spring break you will not have any questions. The garage door will be loud, and possible to close, impossible to open, or basically just experience serious issues. A broken garage door extension Springs can be very dangerous causing Springs to shoot around the garage and even crash through windows. torsion springs that break cause a very loud bang but generally stay on the torsion shaft itself.


 How can I figure out whether I need to replace my garage door springs or the entire garage door system?


 Just ask your professional Charleston garage door repair team to inspect your garage. you might require spring replacements if your Springs have signs of wear and tear like rusting or slow performance. replacing your Springs could be a much cheaper and faster method of repair rather than full garage system replacement. However there are other times in which garage system replacement is necessitated, as if an accident has occurred or you have experienced serious damage due to hurricanes or other weather events. you can also extend your doors lifespan through spring maintenance. apply a tiny bit of the proper kind of spray garage door spring lubricant to Spring components twice a year to make sure that they’re properly operating.