Fiberglass VS. Steel Garage Doors

 In this Blog entry, the professional Charleston garage door installation and Charleston garage door opener repair team here at A1  garage door will compare the features of fiberglass garage doors and steel garage doors.

Comparing Steel Garage Doors and Fiberglass Garage Doors



Steel and fiberglass garage doors alike can be customized to fit your particular aesthetic preferences and your home or garage structure. Heavy steel provides a sleek and modern appearance, while fiberglass is more traditional and decorative.


Material Composition

Steel garage doors are highly secure, durable, and dependant for years, but have to receive regular and quality maintenance to avoid rusting. Fiberglass garage doors have powerful noise reducing insulation,and are very resistant to corrosion.


Material Longevity

Steel – which is composed of iron mixed with carbon – is very long lasting and durable, and won’t ever become cracked or warped. Fiberglass, on the other hand, can withstand very strong winds, and won’t easily dent.



Price differences between steel garage doors and fiberglass garage doors usually vary based on door design and door style. Fiberglass garage doors are generally cheaper than steel garage doors, and provide an affordable and low-maintenance option for a garage door that still offers damage protection, while steel can be considered a highly durable, secure, and energy efficient garage door material option that can still keep your property secure.